Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Whew...what'a week!

In case you haven't heard...we spent the entire afternoon Sunday in the ER with Kins. When we checked in he had a temperature of 105 degrees and was breathing very shallow. We had to watch him be poked, needled, and x-rayed. It was the saddest thing I have ever seen. My little man looking all pitiful and helpless and Chris and I were at a loss of how to make him feel better. The contraption they put him in to take his chest x-ray was scary. It looked like a torture device because there was a tube that snapped around him while he held his arms over his head. The tech that did his x-rays was super nice and we found out she had twins that were just getting over RSV. Her son ended up with pneumonia but her daughter did not. She said it would take about 10 days for him to really get over it. All of this was just scary. I have heard of several friends with babies that have had RSV but until now have not fully understood how serious it can be. The fever alone was scary enough! To think he could develop pneumonia!?
We took him for a check up today and found out that he has a double ear infection. The doctor said his chest sounded good and he was good with how that was clearing up but he changed his antibiotic to something stronger to fight the ear infection. Hopefully he is on the mend and will be his spunky self in no time!
Thank you everyone for your prayers, they have been heard, and are greatly appreciated.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know! Jared & I both will be praying for Kins' body to heal :) Love you!
