Monday, October 11, 2010

A month of milestones…

Wow… who knew turning eight months old could be so busy!


Kinsler is now taking baths in the big tub and loving it!

He is now crawling at an unfathomable speed. He is pulling up and reaching for other objects close by as well. I’m sure he’ll be walking before we know it. Not sure how I feel about that. He’s already into everything as it is. 

The biggie for mom has been the process of weaning. I had no idea I had become so attached to the idea of nursing but it is time. Kinsler now has 6 teeth and has the tendency to bite so, we have been introducing formula for about the past week and a half. (Thank goodness he’s used to bottles already.) Hopefully by the end of the month we will be a breast milk free home.

 in bed

The biggie for Kinsler is putting himself to sleep for naps and at bedtime! For about the past 3 days we’ve been working with him on putting himself to sleep. He’s doing so well!!! Continued prayers for this feat would be lovely!