Monday, December 5, 2011

Christmas is in the air

Last Friday night, Chris, Kinsler, and I went on a family date! We went down to the square and ate at Damgoode Pies (basically the only pizza place I like), as usual it was delicious. If you haven't been there you should definitely check it out! Before we ate we took Kins to walk around the square. The first thing he did was climb up by the waterfall pond and razorback and sit. I think if we would have let him he'd have sat there all night! 
He just climbed right up and took a seat.

Here are both my boys. They make my heart smile.

Right after we took this he spotted the "zebras" aka the camels. He was fascinated by them! When Kinsler was finally willing to leave the zebras we went to dinner. He ate probably 3 pieces of pizza. I am ever amazed by his growing appetite! When we left the restaurant he asked to see the zebras again, of course, we obliged and walked him back to the square. When we went back to the square we saw a couple of Chris's students playing music and we stopped to listen. If you know Kinsler at all you know he LOVES music. He was fascinated with their little band.
We ended up scrapping our original idea of Bliss cupcakes for dessert because we were craving ice cream. So we went to Chick-fil-a and got 2 cookies and cream milkshakes. Chris and I split one while Kins took the second for himself! We had such a wonderful night together! I can't wait to do it again!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Kinsler Ryan at 20 months

It is two days before Kins hits his 21 month birthday and he is doing and learning so much!!! Chris and I took him to the park yesterday to take some pictures and we got a lot of cute shots! He had a blast rolling in the leaves while Chris dropped them on him. He had the sweetest giggle! He loves to snap and dance to any music. He loves to jump. I'm pretty sure he can jump better than any 20 month old I've ever seen. He can identify different body parts- he knew more than I was expecting him too when I quizzed him the other day.
Last but not least he loves using the "big boy potty". We are still introducing this to him so when we are home we ask sporadically if he needs to go potty and he will say yes or no. We also have been sitting him on the toilet every night before bath time to get him used to it. When he says yes he runs to the bathroom and puts his seat on the toilet and can't wait to sit up there like a big boy. We give him lots of praise for trying and we celebrate when he actually goes. You should see his face light up! It is the sweetest thing!
I will hopefully post pictures of our outing soon!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Great Holiday Weight Loss Journey

After 3 days at home I am thankful I don't live closer for only about 1 reason...too much GOOD cookin'! There is nothing like a home-cooked meal made by your mom (or daddy) or grandma! (Especially when you live in the south because let's be honest...we know how to cook) On the way home from Jonesboro my sister and I started talking about how we should probably go on a diet before the holidays because we know we're gonna be eating even better than we did this week in about a month. So we decided to hold each other accountable for watching what we eat and working out more. Then, we decided we might as well get mom and Memaw on board with this little project. So to make it even more interesting we decided to make it a little competition. Mom and Memaw vs Emma and myself. Let the games begin! We have our first weigh in tomorrow morning and we will start our journey from that point. I'm hoping with us doing this as a team and joint effort we'll be accountable to each other and try to accomplish our goals. My personal goal is to lose the pesky 13 lbs I managed to gain over the summer. (Yeah, I know swimsuit weather is definitely not when you want gain 13lbs.) So with their help and yours tell me to lay off the sweets!!!! That's my biggest downfall. I LOVE chocolate.
This is my sweet family.
Aunt Kathy, Mom, Me, Emma Kate, and Memaw
We took this after breakfast Saturday morning at the place my aunt took us to for my Memaw's birthday. 

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Just a quick family update...

Chris and I have been visiting a new church since the middle of summer. Immediately after our first visit we felt a calling. We were introduced to an amazing couple that brought us into their small group and pretty much the rest is history! Since Chris and I have been going we have made new friends and growing in our Faith. Kinsler loves going to church and can't wait to check in and run to his classroom. (He pretty much leaves me in the dust after I put his sticker on.) I am so excited about where God has placed us. God is good and has answered a prayer.

For your viewing pleasure... :)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Many faces

The weather is getting cooler and Kinsler is growing. This past month he has sprouted new interests and is learning and doing so much. He still loves to read, I catch him laying on the floor looking at his books all the time. He is now into the "boy" phase of playing with trucks and cars. Everything makes a noise too, he can make them honk with a "beep beep" or pretend they have have a whistle that makes a "hoo hoo" sound. His new favorite thing to do is work on puzzles, unfortunately at the moment we only have one puzzle for him to play with but we've been to the library to work on theirs and the church has tons in his nursery room. He loves coming to tell me about the animals on his puzzle. He continues to love to go outside and run around and slide on his little play toy. We are going to be in the market for a swing set/play house soon I'm afraid because our little slide does not hold his interest like the one at the park. (What a great idea for Christmas or birthday you grandparents that read this) :) He also likes to shoot baskets when we go outside. He continues to add new words to his vocabulary daily. I'm amazed at the words he picks up on. I hear a lot about daddy during the day, this kid LOVES his dad! In the morning when he gets up he yells for daddy and is a little upset when it's me who picks him up. He immediately runs to find Chris before I can tell him daddy left for work. When we pass the school or the gym he yells for daddy too. This kid is smart! Kinsler is now eating roughly 7 times a day! He eats breakfast, lunch, and dinner, with several snacks thrown in! It is kind of astonishing to see how much he eats! I fear for our checkbook when he gets older and I buy groceries for a teenager.
Every day offers new adventures as I watch him grow. It has taken me a long time to be okay with staying home during this season of life but, when I reflect on all I've watched him do I am so very thankful for this time. I know that when I get a job (hopefully) I will be crushed to leave him everyday.

Kinsler reading his book and working on his leaptop computer. 

 This is my cheesy sliding on his slide.
My precious angel baby who loves to take naps.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

First week

Though this is not our first week home together, this past week was our first home since school started back. During that first week we set up a few play dates, went on a few walks, went to the library, played outside, and took long naps. We have had fun but I still can't help but feel guilty for staying home instead of being at work helping Chris to earn a living for our family. It seems  unfair for Chris to still be doing all the work now that I've finished school. I will never understand God's plan for my life. I think I need to stop trying.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Almost another month has gone by

School starts next Monday and I have yet to find a job. God is definitely testing my patience. This has been the hardest summer of my life. I never knew staying at home and taking care of my son could be so exhausting. My brain usually shuts down at 6 pm from trying to plan activities so he won't be bored to deciding what to make for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. (That's saying a lot since I just finished one of the hardest school years ever.) Kinsler is used to being with 10 other kids all day long. He thrives off the other kids and I can tell he truly misses them. It has also been the hottest summer ever which means we can't stay outside very long if at all, and even the pool has lost its appeal.

Enough of the griping. It has been fun hanging out with my lil man and watching him grow. He is doing a lot of new things and is so goofy! He has recently found a love for cars and trucks he can push around.  He  still loves to look at his books. we catch him all the time in his rocking chair looking at his books and pressing the song buttons on his read a-loud books. We go to the doctor at the end of the month for his 18 month check up! I can't wait to see how big he has grown! I know weight wise he won't be much bigger than his last check up but I can't wait to see his height record! He is jabbering away all the time and loves to holler for mama or daddy and wait for us to ask "what" before he just jabbers away about something really important. :) Of course we have to respond so that we can see him smile at how we understand him.

Until next time...

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Been awhile

Since my last post...
I graduated college. Again. Praise the Lord!
I am looking for a job.
I went to NYC to see Bruce with my Memaw and sister for graduation.
Chris and I went on a cruise with some of our fabulous friends.
Chris has started summer school at U of A.
Kinsler is, well, being Kins. :)

Wow...we've been busy! Now I'm trying to fill the days with fun activities for Kinsler. He and I both get bored easily but since it's usually 100 degrees or hotter for most of the day we are forced to stay inside or very close to the pool. Today we potted some flowers. He loved digging in the potting soil and helped me water the flowers.

Monday, April 18, 2011


Corn, sweet potatoes, noodles with sauce, and milk anyone?
Aw, come on...I know you wanna.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

April...Almost the end.

We have had a very enjoyable weekend! For the first time in a lot of months! I am usually swallowed up with homework and too busy to enjoy the break from the busy week but not this weekend. I was able to finish up two large projects for school on Friday night while Chris was in Van Buren at a softball tournament and Kinsler was asleep. Saturday morning I was able to get Elysia and Hannah to watch Kinsler while I finished up some research paper work and kind of outline what my next chapter for the paper would look like. Around noon I picked up Kinsler and we headed to Van Buren to see one of our favorite girls completely dominate the Charleston Tigers line-up. Unfortunately the defense behind her made a few mental mistakes the the PG Lady Tigers lost 3-2. Nonetheless, we had a wonderful time in the sun and away from home for a few hours. Then we had lunch at Chili’s, we’re we discovered Kins loves corn-on-the-cob. Hilarious watching him eat. He also cheesed it up when some “hot blondes” walked by and cooed over him. Saturday night we were able to have a little family time and Chris and I played in the floor with our little man. He is turning out to be quite the little drummer boy. For about 2 weeks now he has walked around the house with a pair of Chris’s drumsticks he found, beating on everything!!
Today, we went to church, went out to dinner with Uncle Clint, and came home to enjoy a nice long Sunday afternoon nap! Since then we've just been relaxing and playing. We are currently waiting for the tub to drain so we can finish our bath in a non-poopy infested bathtub.
6 weeks until graduation!!! I can do this!!!

Monday, March 28, 2011

So blessed.

I love my son and think he is the most handsome devil-angel in the world! He has the sweetest disposition, loves to make anyone smile at him, and well, I think he's pretty darn cute! He is so laid-back and easy going and always has a smile on his face. How did we get so lucky!?!? It hit me today how much he has grown and that his new developments like throwing a ball and learning new words are just a sign and reminder that he's not much of a baby anymore. He is forever learning how to bat his pretty lashes and squint his eyes just right to make me give him a grin so he can get a way with doing something he shouldn't be. Or how to cut his eyes and give me a devilish grin that says "just watch me mama". Even in those moments, I can't help but love him and praise God for this little man. Chris and I can't wait for each new day to see what he will learn next.
I know some of you are just thinking "Wait til the teenage years hit.", well bring 'em on. God has helped us thus far and I have no doubt He'll help us through the roughest of hormonal rages.

(*Note, I am not above retracting this post at a later date due to my son growing up to be a turdly teenager. :) just kidding)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Whew...what'a week!

In case you haven't heard...we spent the entire afternoon Sunday in the ER with Kins. When we checked in he had a temperature of 105 degrees and was breathing very shallow. We had to watch him be poked, needled, and x-rayed. It was the saddest thing I have ever seen. My little man looking all pitiful and helpless and Chris and I were at a loss of how to make him feel better. The contraption they put him in to take his chest x-ray was scary. It looked like a torture device because there was a tube that snapped around him while he held his arms over his head. The tech that did his x-rays was super nice and we found out she had twins that were just getting over RSV. Her son ended up with pneumonia but her daughter did not. She said it would take about 10 days for him to really get over it. All of this was just scary. I have heard of several friends with babies that have had RSV but until now have not fully understood how serious it can be. The fever alone was scary enough! To think he could develop pneumonia!?
We took him for a check up today and found out that he has a double ear infection. The doctor said his chest sounded good and he was good with how that was clearing up but he changed his antibiotic to something stronger to fight the ear infection. Hopefully he is on the mend and will be his spunky self in no time!
Thank you everyone for your prayers, they have been heard, and are greatly appreciated.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

This time last year

This time last year I was 40 weeks pregnant and unable to sleep with the anticipation of seeing my son for the first time. I'm not sure that Chris slept at all either. We were both anxious for the 3 am alarm we had set, afraid we wouldn't make it to the hospital in time, oh and becoming parents!

I started flipping through my old profile pictures on Facebook and the tears started flowing. I can't believe he was so little (okay not so little at 8.3 lbs) and helpless. And now he's walking everywhere and jabbering away, telling really big stories. :)

He is the light of our life.

Bubba, I hope you enjoy your birthday pancakes in the morning! We love you! - Mom and Dad

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Has it really been 12 months??

The more I think about the upcoming week and the milestone that it brings the more I start to think I may have an anxiety attack. I can not believe Kinsler will be 1 on Friday. It seems like yesterday I was sitting in my Wednesday morning Senior block class freezing my butt off at 40 weeks pregnant. The following day I would be going in for our induction. I remember my professor dear ole Dr. K saying "I didn't think I'd be seeing you today." when I walked in. My response "Well, figured I needed to come." Ha. Following his birth came the first milestone of leaving him for the first time with a sitter while I went back to class. Thank goodness for Auntie Ang and Paxton. Bless her...she got him on a schedule and everything! Not to mention I had no worries when he was with her. To this day he is all smiles when he sees Ang.

Then May was here and I was accepted to the Graduate school at U of A and I graduated with my Bachelors. We spent the majority of summer at home hanging out and in the pool with Deena and the girls (of course Bill was around too :) ). Summer school started and was over in the blink of an eye.

The next milestone was around 6 months old, sending Kins to Mrs. Jeannie's, who is our babysitting savior. Kinsler loves Mrs. Jeannie and all the kids at her house. She is an amazing woman who loves my child as much as I do. We'd probably be up a creek without her. I also started my internship and second semester of Grad school taking 15 hours and thinking how in the world am I going to do this. God knew exactly what he was doing, his timing was perfect (duh, didn't I already know this!?), my acceptance to Grad school has been doable (duh, all things are possible through Christ). I made a 4.0 for summer session and a 3.8 this past fall (toot toot). Why, oh why, did we worry. I have been paired with amazing mentor teachers who are completely understanding and who are a big help to me with school projects.

Next, Kinsler's first Christmas! We had a blast celebrating with all our family and eating lots of food. Chris gave us the best gift of all...he has started his quest for a healthier lifestyle. He began running and as a family we have started to do our best and eat better. To date he has lost 18.2 pounds and since he started his journey he has run everyday but 4 or 5. We are so proud of him!! (Check out to read about his journey thus far.)

January came and with it Kinsler learned how to walk. Now he doesn't slow down for anyone or anything... unless it's food. Our baby boy is more of a toddler now. I also started my last semester of Grad school and with it my research project began. Chris also had a milestone this month, you may ask him personally about it but we are super excited at what this next year holds for him.
Now it's the very end of January and in less than 7 days he will be 1 year old. God has blessed us with a sweet, loving, happy, and handsome son. We have definitely learned that God is fully in control and knew what he was doing when he planned for us to be pregnant before we thought we were ready. He placed both of us in families that love and care for us and who wanted to see us succeed in parenthood. With their help we are doing it.

 Kinsler, we can not wait to see what this next year has in store for you and us. With that sly smile anything is possible. We love you. - Mom and Dad

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

11 months and counting

Well, Kinsler is now 11 months old. I absolutely can not believe it has been that long. I am trying to get some ideas lined out for a birthday party for him but it is going to be hard to get things done with school starting back for both of us and Chris will start softball practice this week. Kinsler has also decided he likes walking. Just in the past few days he's really taken off on the whole walking thing and now attempts to walk to toys or objects before crawling. I suspect that by the end of the week we'll have a full fledge walker on our hands. I most definitely am scared about this. I have video of him walking I will try and post soon.

Here's my little cheeser in all his cuteness. Happy 11 months Kins!