Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Great Holiday Weight Loss Journey

After 3 days at home I am thankful I don't live closer for only about 1 reason...too much GOOD cookin'! There is nothing like a home-cooked meal made by your mom (or daddy) or grandma! (Especially when you live in the south because let's be honest...we know how to cook) On the way home from Jonesboro my sister and I started talking about how we should probably go on a diet before the holidays because we know we're gonna be eating even better than we did this week in about a month. So we decided to hold each other accountable for watching what we eat and working out more. Then, we decided we might as well get mom and Memaw on board with this little project. So to make it even more interesting we decided to make it a little competition. Mom and Memaw vs Emma and myself. Let the games begin! We have our first weigh in tomorrow morning and we will start our journey from that point. I'm hoping with us doing this as a team and joint effort we'll be accountable to each other and try to accomplish our goals. My personal goal is to lose the pesky 13 lbs I managed to gain over the summer. (Yeah, I know swimsuit weather is definitely not when you want gain 13lbs.) So with their help and yours tell me to lay off the sweets!!!! That's my biggest downfall. I LOVE chocolate.
This is my sweet family.
Aunt Kathy, Mom, Me, Emma Kate, and Memaw
We took this after breakfast Saturday morning at the place my aunt took us to for my Memaw's birthday. 

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Just a quick family update...

Chris and I have been visiting a new church since the middle of summer. Immediately after our first visit we felt a calling. We were introduced to an amazing couple that brought us into their small group and pretty much the rest is history! Since Chris and I have been going we have made new friends and growing in our Faith. Kinsler loves going to church and can't wait to check in and run to his classroom. (He pretty much leaves me in the dust after I put his sticker on.) I am so excited about where God has placed us. God is good and has answered a prayer.

For your viewing pleasure... :)