Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Busy little beavers

The Collins family is busy busy busy. We have all started school/work and for the past two weeks we have barely seen or spent any time together. :( We just keep reminding each other through texts, hugs, and kisses (That is, when we are together for those few hours before we go to bed.) that we can make it through this difficult year and come May it will all be worth it.

So, if you don’t see or hear from us as much please don’t be offended. It just means Chris is either at practice or a game, I am at school, internship, or doing homework, and Kinsler is at daycare or asleep. We love you dearly.

Here are a few recent pictures of Kins. His new favorite thing is to stick his tongue out at you and to smack his lips when he eats. He will take a few drinks or bites, smack his lips then grin really big at me to make sure I’m watching. Too cute! I can’t help but smile.

DSCN5030What mom, I’m just reading.


Nana, this book sure is good!


He crawled down the hallway after Chris to come check and make sure I was doing my homework.

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