Sunday, September 19, 2010

Since I have a moment...

Looking forward to another week that brings me closer to graduation. I am tired of running silly everyday trying to finish homework and make sure I have my lesson plans ready to turn in to my teacher and on and on it goes. Sheesh. :) Now that that's out of the way.
Chris only has two games this week! WAHOO!!!!!!! Daddy will be home to play with us!

Kinsler is now crawling..full speed ahead. Except for when he gets distracted and slips back into the worm crawling. He is also saying "bye bye" and Chris swears up and down that as soon as I got out of the car today he said "ma ma". We've thought he's been saying "ma ma" for a couple of days but I haven't gotten too excited over it yet. Chris said this one was a for real "ma ma" with no extra "ma's" behind it. So, I'm going to be on the look out for a real "ma ma" soon! Kinsler is now actively pulling hisself up and getting into everything! Pretty sure I was/am not ready for a mobile baby, especially one as active as Kinsler! He literally NEVER sits still! But, he sure is cute when he grins at you when you tell him to stop...and he knows it too!

1 comment:

  1. That is so exciting about Kins saying, "ma ma" !
    Hope you have a great week sweets :)
