Monday, July 16, 2012

So, it's been a few months... (again)

I am struggling to keep up with my blog! Every time I think about updating I can't seem to think of anything to write about but now that I think about it we've actually done quite a bit this summer. I am going to update about the pregnancy, Kinsler, and what we've been up to. Hang with me because it may be a long post. :)

-29 1/2 weeks today
-Due date is now Sept. 27
-At last ultrasound, Nugget #2 weighed 3lbs and measured 2 weeks earlier than due date
-I am measuring on track, so we may be in for a BIG baby. :) That's okay we like 'em chunky.
- I have been in the hospital 3 times. 2 times for kidney stones, finally ended up passing 10 pieces before I quit straining. The 3rd time I was hospitalized for 4 days for a severe kidney infection. HORRIBLE-enough said.
-I am currently on a prescription and will be for the remainder of the pregnancy to help prevent any future kidney/UTI infections.
-I still have a few random nauseous moments but I have not taken any medicine (zofran or phenergan) since last hospital stay (June 8-11). Praise the Lord!
-The boy's nursery is almost finished, it is painted and the furniture is there but no bedding, curtains, or twin bed for Kins. We have a painting and 2 name pieces being done for the room but we haven't picked them up yet. Nugget's name piece will be done in the same manner as Kinsler's.

Clearly it looks very unfinished but this is just to show the color. 

Above 3: Kinsler's name piece, 3D, Razorback Baseball painting (theme for their room)

- 2 years 5 months old
- Learning to count, knows a few letters (e and r), can recognize some colors (blue, green, yellow, red, orange)
-Loves anything active, amazing hand/eye coordination, VERY active
-Loves going to "class" at church to see his friends. (his words) He says they are his favorite friends. :) I will take this time to interject that we have been SO VERY blessed with a wonderful church home/family, small group, and families who are raising their children to follow Christ so that Kinsler is immersed in Christ's love wherever we go and whoever we are with.
-Favorite phrases: "Hey guys ...." used mostly when Chris and I are in a different part of the house and he's trying to get our attention. "My favorite puppy/momma/daddy/_____" I love listening to the things that he says are his favorite these are 3 that are used often. :) "It's fun" He likes to use this to persuade us to do something example: "I go to the zoo and see elephants, giraffes, and fish. It's fun!!" with his hands pumping in the air when he says it's fun. This cracks me up the most!
-He loved his first trip to the zoo in Tulsa (those pics are on a different computer so I will have to add them later) and now asks to go ALL the time. He will name different animals each time he asks to go that he says he wants to see.
-He also asks to go back to the beach on an almost daily basis. He loved playing in the sand and the ocean. He reminds us of it everyday. haha
-Kinsler got a big deal haircut right before our beach vacation. I am missing his long locks something awful!!
Top: Pre-haircut long luscious curly locks
Bottom: Post-haircut still curly/wavy just short

Summer Fun
-Our first summer fun trip was to the Tulsa Zoo. We spent ALL day walking around and looking at every animal in every exhibit! Kinsler loved it and begs to go back. We are hoping to take him back in a few weeks.
-As mentioned above, we took a beach vacation with my parents and siblings. We all had a blast and soaked up a lot of sun. I got out of the hospital on Monday and we left for my parents on Thursday and the beach on Saturday. We were supposed to stay until the next Saturday, a full week, but Chris and I were exhausted by Thursday night and decided to head home on Friday afternoon a little early. The above picture with Kinsler's post haircut is the only family picture we managed! 

-Sometime this summer Kinsler will spend a few days with Chris's parents for another grandparent get-away. 
 -We have been painting, swimming, and enjoying our summer.

-We have yet to decide on a name for the Nugget but I think we are close!

Thanks for reading to the end! :)

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